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Release and Validation

The release validation of AliRoot communicates its results on Jira. Before starting a release validation, we create a Jira ticket and take note of its ID (for instance, ALIROOT-1234).

Then we start the AliRootDPGValidation. Normally, the only parameter that needs changing is the JIRA_ISSUE one, where one must specify the ID of the just created ticket. In case no other parameter is changed, the release validation will:

  • Automatically tag AliRoot, AliPhysics and AliDPG from their master branches (the tag will be clearly marked as “rc”, as in “release candidate”)
  • Build the three of them, using the master of alidist
  • Wait for their deployment on CVMFS: we use the nightlies repository, /cvmfs/

Start the validation script for Reconstruction first, then General Purpose Monte Carlo.

Essential User Guide#

All the release validations performed are available at:

Essential Operations Guide#

Managing data on EOS#

EOS and its XRootD interface are used by the release validation:

  • for storing reference data
  • for storing validation results

In order to manipulate EOS data you need to have a valid X.509 proxy. If you do not have EOS installed you can use it from the alisw/slc6-cvmfs container which has it preinstalled.

Assuming your proxy to be used for EOS is available under ~/.globus/eos-proxy you can start the container like the following:

docker run -it --rm                                                   \
  -privileged                                                         \
  -v ~/.globus:/root/.globus:ro                                       \
  -e X509_USER_PROXY=/root/.globus/eos-proxy                          \
  -e X509_CERT_DIR=/cvmfs/ \
  alisw/slc6-cvmfs                                                    \
  parrot_run eos root://

Where parrot_run is used to enable CVMFS (only used for reading the CA certificates). This command sends you straight to the EOS prompt. Note that the -privileged option is required by Parrot.

If you have EOS installed on your machine you can simply export a couple of environment variables and start EOS afterwards:

export X509_USER_PROXY=<path_to_eos_proxy>
export X509_CERT_DIR=/cvmfs/
export EOS_MGM_URL=root://

Remove old release validations#

From the EOS prompt on move to the results output folder:

cd /eos/opstest/pbuncic/output/

You can then list the directories with ls and remove them one by one with:

rm -r

Used quota on EOS#

From the EOS prompt on query the quota for our directory:

quota /eos/opstest/pbuncic/

Stage new data on EOS from AliEn#

This operation requires a working AliEn installation, we will be assuming that you are using AliEn from aliBuild. Enter the AliEn environment:

alienv enter AliEn-Runtime/latest

Now get a valid token and proxy:

alien-token-init <your_alien_username>

Now get and use the staging data script to stage new data:

git clone
cd release-validation/
./ /alice/data/2016/LHC16e/000252858/raw/ 300


  • the first parameter is the AliEn path (without the alien:// prefix) where raw data can be found
  • the second parameter is the number of files to stage, which will be picked randomly among the full raw list

The script will exit on the first error. You can re-run it many times until it converges to the full list being staged on EOS. Data already copied is skipped.

The script will echo the path of a .done file containing the EOS paths to be used as a dataset for a release validation. In order to make this file usable:

  • add it as a .txt file in the datasets/ directory of the release-validation repository, and push it
  • edit the Jenkins job in order to add the dataset name (file name without the .txt extension) to the drop-down list associated to the DATASETS Jenkins variable

Proxy certificate#

Release validation uses a Grid proxy certificate mapped to the alibot EOS/CERN service account on

As CERN does not allow service accounts to own certificates, we are using a host certificate for this purpose. The corresponding node is managed by the CERN Puppet infrastructure therefore its certificate will be automatically renewed. Certificate and key will be found under /etc/grid-security on the very host.

Release validation is configured to preventively fail at start if the proxy certificate is going to expire soon (in order not to fail in the middle of a job with errors difficult to catch).

First off, connect to alibuild-frontend01. Once there, rsync the certificate directory to (a login node managed by CERN IT):

rsync -av /etc/grid-security/

Connect to, then:

cd eos-cert/
grid-proxy-init -cert hostcert.pem -key hostkey.pem -out eos-proxy.pem -valid 9000:0

Just make sure the proxy is shorter than the issuing certificate by tuning the 9000 number (in hours). A warning is issued in case proxy is longer.

Now, store the proxy on tbag (the CERN IT facility for deploying secrets, integrated with Puppet):

tbag set --hg alibuild/mesos/slave --file eos-proxy.pem eos-proxy

If you want to force the update on every node and don't want to wait for automatic Puppet runs, do everywhere (with pdsh, mpssh or similar tools):

puppet agent -tv

Additionally, you can verify the proxy information by running:

voms-proxy-info -file eos-proxy.pem

Note that on some nodes (not Puppet-managed) proxy has to be deployed manually as /secrets/eos-proxy with mode 0400. This can be done with:

for x in; do
  rsync --chown=0400 eos-proxy.pem root@$x:/secrets/eos-proxy

On aiadmin, everything can be now deleted:

cd ; rm -rf eos-cert/